7 Most Awesome Hilarious #FifaWorldCup Tweets Trending On Twitter


Jennifer Lopez, the famous pop sensation is going to perform “We Are One (Ole Ola)” live with rapper Pitbull and Brazilian singer Claudia Leitte at Sao Paulo in the opening ceremony of the FIFA World Cup 2014.

Here we present 7 Most Awesome Hilarious  Tweets Trending On Twitter:


  1. Dear Sony Six, it’s ok if you show India-Sri Lanka highlights of any year until opening ceremony starts 😛
  2. Is Yo Yo Honey Singh performing tonight?
  3. So all of a sudden everyone is an expert on soccer. SMH lol.
  4. And the season of asking ‘yeh color kiska hain’, ‘white wali kaunsi team hain’ starts.
  5. I said my dad to go and take rest…. I am watching
  6. Finally Some Scenes from Sao Paulo.. Start the festivities already maan.. Gotta go to office also tomorrow.. 😛
  7. Waited four years for this shit, I swear I’ll take Allah, God and Buddha down if it’s a bore draw!!!

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