7 Most Common Phobias in the World


Phobia is also known as fear. There are many phobias out there, some fear height, some fear darkness, some even have fear of the number thirteen. There are so many unique phobias, while some are popular and common among people.

Common Phobias

Here we look at some common phobias which you find in a lot of people around:

Arachnophobia – Fear of Spiders

Fear of spiders is one of the most common fear. Many people are afraid of this 8 legged insect that might look like a monster to some. Spiders look scary and for some these are rare and just like fear of Snake, fear of Spiders, come from naturally from our ancestors.

Agoraphobia – Fear of Situations

This is a phobia where people are scared of inescapable situations. It can go to extreme levels that the person suffering from Agoraphobia might not even go out of his house

Acrophobia – Fear of Heights

A common phobia, scared of heights, always feel like you will fall as you look down from a top of building. This phobia can go extreme as some might even be scared of really less and harmless heights lke 1st floor of a building.

Socialphobia – Fear of Social Interactions

A common phobia where people are scared of social situations, stage fright is one example of social phobia. Some even find socializing among small group of people scary and difficult. Anxiety happens and the person suffering may get sweaty, increased heart rate in such situations.

Ophidiophobia – Fear of Snakes

It is a fact that fear of snakes is one of the most common fears but still ironically most of the people may not have even seen a snake in real life. Scientists say that this fear may not just develop due to bad past experience but due to natural instincts which we got from our ancestors.

Trypanophobia – Fear of Injections   

This is a common fear specially among children. Even some adults have a fear of siring, injections etc. It can be avoided but not everytime and even though the pain is negligible of injections, it just makes people fear it.

Necrophobia – Fear of Death

It is a fear that many suffer, especially people who have a great life, healthy and wealthy but some also suffer this phobia as a fear of dying in a painful way, they are always scared about it.


– Jainam Jhaveri

Jainam is a writer at http://www.bms.co.in. He is a BMS Graduate with a Diploma in Software Engineering and passionate about Blogging, Football, Games, Technology, Travelling to new places.

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BMS Graduate with a Diploma in Software Engg and a Sports Blogger... passionate about Blogging, Football, Video Games, Surfing Internet and Love to Travel and visit new places.