7 Most Popular Allergies



Allergy an extreme exaggerated response by the immune system. It is usually the result of the fact that your body has been in contact to some foreign or unknown objects. This exaggerated process is mainly due to some foreign & unknown objects which are harmful to the body. At the same stage there is no response found in other people who are irresponsive in nature to these allergies. The substances which produces allergies are called as allergens.


The word allergy is derived from Greek word ‘allos’ which means “It is action”. There are different impact or symptoms from which allergy can be recognized such as runny noses, watering of eyes, reddening of skin, irritation on skin, frequent sneezing, or a combination of practically anything. Sometimes some allergies are so severe that they can even prove to be fatal. There can be many reasons for an allergy to occur such as particular ingredient in food, smoke, dust, animal fur, bites from insect, flowers, etc.& practically the list is endless for allergen to be found.


The common or we can say the most popular type of allergies are Insect Stings- insect sting from any  insect such as honeybees, bumblebees etc. are the most common trigger of insect sting allergy. Latex is a milky fluid that comes from the rubber tree. This type of allergy mostly occurs by direct contact with them.

Exercise– Some type of exercise also often cause in severe pain in the joints or in any other ligament or tendons.

Food– One of the most common cause of allergy is by food which can be any ingredient in the food such as peanut, garlic etc

Smoke– Smoke leads to many type of allergies such as watering of eyes, soaring throat etc.

Dust– It is one of the most common type of allergy which also leads to runny nose, sore throat etc. Medicines- Medicines is also common type of allergen which can be more severe than any other form of allergies.


The best way to prevent allergies is just keep safe distance from your allergen & keep the anti-allergy medicine near you.



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Ayesha Patel


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