7 Most Powerful Quotes On Change That Will Inspire You


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  1. It is not what happens to you, but how you respond to what happens to you.  Count your blessings while others are adding up their troubles.
  2. Look for something positive about this moment.  Even if you have to look a little harder than usual, it still exists.
  3. When you smile about the life you live, you end up living a life worth smiling about.
  4. Remember, social comparison is the thief of happiness.  You could spend a lifetime worrying about what others have, but it wouldn’t get you anything.
  5. Happiness comes more easily when you feel good about yourself without feeling the need for anyone else’s approval.
  6. Be nice to people on your way up because you might meet them again on your way back down.
  7. Say what you need to say.  Speak your truth.  There is no greater sadness than holding on to the words you never had the courage to speak.

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