7 ‘Mumbai’ Tweets, Status Trending On Twitter

  1. Exactly 9 years ago, today, newspaper was launched. Four days after the Great Mumbai Flood of 2005, when services were still crippled.
  2. The anti-fungal battle begins …
  3. Impossible jam, late for a meeting, under stress ..and then gently the city, she whispers in your ear “Deal with it” MUMBAI ZEN
  4. Swimming balconies in Mumbai. Each room has its own pool.
  5. mumbai swimming pools
  6. Potholes 2 make a war zone proud, insane traffic, water logging..if it was’nt for Vada pav n Ragda Pattis I’d be upset with Mumbai
  7.  Evidently.. the Gadkari snoop was COOKED up by bimbos .. First they said Mumbai house, then Delhi house… FARCE by too…
  8. Gujarat was hit by rains which meant Mumbai circuit did not collect to potential but the rest of the country was excellent.- BOI





By Ravi Agnihotri

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