7 Must Have Fashion Accessories For Your Closet


Accessories are important when it comes to fashion. It can completely change the look of your outfit. 

I love to accessorize the outfit with the right pieces of accessories. So for that, you need to have some staples in your wardrobe which will work on almost any outfits you have.

Here are some accessories staples : 

1. Statement Necklaces 


I love the way statement necklaces look on any outfit. They look best on almost any thing. You can make even the simplest outfit look all dressed up with statement necklaces. You can buy them in multi-color, gold , bronze, rose gold or silver.

Best place to buy Statement necklaces : Forever21 or ZARA 

2. Bracelets 


I don’t like the chunky bracelets but I love the simple yet beautiful bracelets. These bracelets are more versatile to wear than the chunkier ones. Bracelets can also change the look of the outfits. Bracelet is one such accessory which you can wear almost every day without thinking whether it will go on your outfit or not.

Best place to buy bracelets : Forever 21 

3. Beanie


I love beanies. They look really cute and chic on jeans or short and sometimes maybe on a dress. Love the way the look and make your outfit more chic. I personally wear beanies a lot. You can also wear them if you are having a bad hair day. 

Best place to buy beanies : Forever 21 

4. Rings or Knuckle Rings


My all time favorite accessory is Rings. And nowadays I am loving even knuckle rings . Rings are easier to find and my make your hands more pretty and attractive. Knuckle rings are not that easier to find, but you surely get them in Forever 21. 

Best place to buy : Forever 21

5. Knee high socks 

kneehigh socks

I like knee high socks, they are chic and stylish. You can wear these on shorts and skirts. We can change the look of the outfit from elegant to chic, which I love. 

Since we stay in a country whose climate is not favorable to wear knee-high socks all the time but you can totally wear them in winters or if you are going out of India for vacations in a cold country.

Best place to buy : Forever 21

6. Hair bands

Hair bands

Hair bands is the accessory which you will find in every girl’s wardrobe.  I like Hair-bands. I love them especially on dresses as they look girly and pretty. It is a must have and staple for any girl to have at least one hair-band in her closet.

Best place to buy  : Online or in any local store which sells accessories.

7. Scarfs 


I love scarfs. It is an age-less accessory item one can have in their closet. It also can change the look of the outfit. It looks chic as well elegant. It is another versatile fashion accessory.

These are my staple accessories, which I think one must have in their closet. 

Best place to buy : Exhibitions or online. 

If you are not an accessories person then at least try to wear one of these to know the difference it makes in your outfit.

Accessories will always be an eternal part of fashion. 





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Saniya Rane

I like to live life to the fullest , this is the reason why I love to write about various things in life and about life in general.


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