7 places in Madhya Pradesh that take you back in time



A place not very far from our city that has caught the fascination of many tourists around the world & within India too. No doubt Madhya Pradesh state government is very much into promoting their state, we think it’s a better bet.

1. Khajuraho

Famous for its sensual sculptures, this UNESCO World Heritage Site contains one of the best examples of temple architecture in India.

2. Sanchi

This UNESCO World Heritage Site contains some of the finest examples of ancient Buddhist architecture in India. Located at a distance of 40 kilometres from Bhopal, Sanchi is most famous for its Great Stupa (a dome-like monument housing Buddhist relics), which was built by the Mauryan emperor Ashoka.

3. Bhimbetka

Located 46 kilometers from Bhopal, the Bhimbetka Hill contains a cluster of 14 rock shelters which house some of the best prehistoric rock art in the world. Now a UNESCO World Heritage Site, they are situated inside the Ratapani sanctuary.

4. Maheshwar

A short drive away from Mandu and Indore, this small town is a popular pilgrimage centre with a rich architectural heritage.

5. Orchha

The former capital of the Bundela Rajputs, Orchha was founded in the 16th century on the banks of the Betwa River.

6. Chanderi

Most famous now for its hand-woven saris, Chanderi was an important stop on the trading routes passing through central India.

7. Mandu

Located in the Vindhya mountains in the Malwa region of Madhya Pradesh, this medieval hill fort is at its most picturesque during the monsoon.

We Say: MP….. Ajab Hai, Sabse Gajab Hai…… 🙂

 – Navmeen Khot

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