7 Powerful ‘Muslim’ Tweets Trending On Twitter





  1. Muslims killed in Gujarat” ~ hang modi “Muslims killed in other parts of the country” ~ pin drop silence to save secularism.
  2. Breaking Breaking just now Modi on Samay Tv , tells muslims to carry Quran on one hand and laptop on other hand.REACTIONS COMMING ? PL WRITE
  3. There are muslims and there are islamists. Know the difference.
  4. Muslims must reject the false idea & idol of Democracy, when Muslims had authority Hindus never dreamed of lifting a finger against a Muslim
  5. Rahul G says 22000 Muslims will be massacred if Modi comes to power. Have Congis planned the killings to the last detail to punish Muslims?
  6. Modi said immigrants must be sent back. Modi also said Hindu immigrants must be accommodated. Muslims? errr… No!
  7. Why are our secular friends quiet about Muslims being killed in Assam? State Govt has failed to act-Shahid Siddiqui

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