7 Qualities That Indian Men Look In Indian Women


qualities of a woman

Every person has a dream about their life partner. They create a mental picture in their mind about how he/she should look like? About His/her personality? At times there are certain people who even consider what kind of Status their partner should have? There is a long list of things that one wants their partner should have.

 In India, many people are orthodox in their thoughts about everything and so is the same when they look or assume the qualities of their life Partner. Since the guy gets the girl married and takes her to his place, there is a list of qualities that he looks in her. Being Indian, the guy might be from Joint family or even nuclear family but there are certain things that he has seen in his mother from childhood which he wants in his life partner. The qualities that Indian Men look for in an Indian Women is not only limited to his own wish but also includes the criteria that his parents have set in for their Daughter in Law.

  The qualities are not just wish of the Indian Men but also the terms and conditions for his would be wife.

beautiful woman in india

  1. She should be Beautiful

This is the criteria that every Man looks in his Wife. HE wants his wife to look beautiful no matter how they look like. This is more a quality seen when it is an arranged marriage and love marriage there can be exceptional cases. The reason can be so that everybody indirectly compliments him and his choice.


  1. She should know to cook

This is the second most wanted quality and somewhere according to me is right. The Women should know to cook, So that if nothing she can cook for her husband after he comes tired from work which might certainly make him happy.


  1. She shouldn’t be too fat or too thin

This is the second quality. The girl shouldn’t be too fat or thin. If she is too fat then it is an issue if she is too thin also there is an issue.


  1. She should be understanding to his needs

Indian Men want that the Women should understand his needs and also what he likes or dislikes. No matter if he understands her or no but she has to understand him.


  1. She should be able to look after everyone.

Men generally get married to those women who are much more homely, who are sensitive to every one’s need in the family? The one who cares for everybody and who can have good understanding with his family members?


  1. She should know to manage

This quality is important in women not only from a man’s point of view but also for marriage. If the women are working she should be able to manage both work and her family. Those that are housewives should be able to manage life at times of financial crisis their house rather than cribbing over little things. Not only during financial crisis but even other situations.


  1. She can adjust

Women after marriage should be able to adjust. This quality is important that a man looks in a woman as there are many girl’s that come from rich families who may not be able to adjust in a middle class family or even otherwise there are certain women who have no quality of adjusting for anyone.


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