7 Random Facts On Salman Khan’s Black Buck Hunting case


Salman Khan is a 49 year old Indian actor whose controversies are equally attention seeking as his films. While shooting for Hum Sath Sath Hain in Rajasthan, he went for hunting and killed an animal. This incident had turned to be very controversial. Few facts are as follows-

1. On 17th of February 2006 Mr. Salman Khan was sentenced to prison for a year for hunting Chinkara which is an endangered specie.

Chinkara-the rare specie
Chinkara-the rare specie

2. On 10th of April in the same year he was put in jail at Jodhpur.
3. On 13th of April 2006 he was granted a bail.
4. On 24th of July Khan was charged with his other colleagues by Rajasthan High Court.
5. On 9th July of the year 2014 the Supreme Court issued a notice suspending Khan’s conviction.
6. Apart from Salman, Saif Ali Khan, Sonali Bendre, Tabu and also Neelam were accused.

The Black Buck Case Accused
The Black Buck Case Accused

7. Recently SC announced a five year jail to Salman.

Salman's Black Buck Case
Salman’s Black Buck Case
Salman while visiting the court.
Salman while visiting the court.

The full story-


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Shreya Karania
A first year management student from Mumbai.


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