7 Random Facts On The Duke Of New York – Prince Andrew


Born on 19th February 1960 Prince Andrew is the son of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip who is the Duke of Edinburgh.Here are 7 random facts about the Duke of New York


1. He has the honary rank of Rear Admiral and also the rank of commander in the Royal Navy.
andrew and charles (1)


2. He first attended Gordonstoun in Scotland then Heatherdown School near Ascot in Berkshire and Britannia Royal Naval College at Darthmouth and has completed A-levels in English, History, Political Science and Economics.

3. He has played the duty of UK’s Special Representative for International Trade and Investment at World Economic Forum 2008.


4. He is capable and a keen Golfer and also was the captain of the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrews.

The prince, pictured here at St Andrew’s Golf Course in Fife, Scotland.

5.Prince married Sarah Ferguson in the year 1986 but when then later in 1996 they headed for a divorce and also Ferguson was said to have an affair with the Financial Advisor.

Prince Andrew and Sarah Ferguson and daughter Beatrice
Sarah Ferguson and Prince Andrew are getting married again

A video of their marriage

His two daughters and ex-wife

6. The Duke of York worked with UK Trade & Investment, part of the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, as the United Kingdom’s Special Representative for International Trade and Investment.

7. Recently

A woman claimed that between 1999 and 2002 she was forced by Jefferey Episten to have sex with the Prince when she was minor.


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Shreya Karania
A first year management student from Mumbai.


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