7 Secret Signs To Know That A Girl Loves You



“Women, the most difficult in the world to understand” that’s what a guy thinks. Actually they don’t look hard enough in a woman’s head to understand her. If you pay more attention to her moves or her behaviour, it’s easy to know what she wants.
Guys are generally not sure about those glances, smiles and looks from the girl whom they fancy. Here are the things that a guy should do-



  1. Be bold and initiate short chat, this will help you to understand her better. Every girl likes that a guy wants to know about her. Try to remember what she tells you, this will show that you care for her to remember the basic details about her.
    Every girl is different, some are outgoing or how she behaves among boys. Another sign is that if she likes you, she will laugh at your boring stupid jokes. She won’t look at your eyes straight because she is afraid to give so much away.


  1. Watch the sign of flirting. If she is flirting, she may be difficult to read because girls also flirt with the guys to whom they consider as friends.
    Be aware because some girls don’t even realize that they are flirting, in such case she may like you but she don’t want to show you that but her subconscious body language do the work for her and the main reason of her to not showing her feelings is the fear of rejection.


  1. Check her random bits or comments on you. Her basic talk or reaction will tell you about her internal emotions. She may touch you in a friendly way frequently or she will reschedule her work for you.


  1. Take notice if she accidentally bumps into you more often than usual. Actually she is searching for undiverted attention of yours. When she bumps into you try to be casual and normal, if possible return a smile that will make her happy and not embarrassed.


  1. Observe the way she looks at you. Women are really good at eye talk. If she likes you, she will tend to either hold her gaze on you for a long time or pull away immediately the moment your eyes make contact with hers.
    If you happen to glance at the girl and you see her glancing back at you, it means she likes you, although she may quickly dart her head in different direction.


  1. If you notice that her friends are looking at you and giggling with her it means there is something going on in your girl’s heart that only her friends knows. In some cases, a friend may be bold enough to come and tell you about her friend’s feelings for you.


  1. Notice the little things she does for you. If she is always there for you when you need her, she is actually showing her care for you. Like if you say you are thirsty and she offers you a glass of water or she helps you with your college work.


If you think that a girl really likes you and moreover cares for you, gather some courage and talk to her because girls generally don’t propose. In today’s world it is sad to say but true love is vanishing, so if you get one…hold it tight and be loyal to her.


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