7 Smart Ways To Escape From A Chatterbox Friend


Chatterbox Friend

Every person is different in their own way; some are introvert and love being within themselves while there are many others who are too extrovert who just keep on yapping and yapping on anything and everything you can even think of. I’m sure you too may have friends belonging to such category who do not bother whether you are listening or you’re irritated by their behavior; they just go on and on. 

Are you sick and tired of this? Here are some smart tips to tackle with your chatter box friend.

  1. Tell that your busy

The time when the chatterbox initiates the conversation, you can tell them you have some work and can’t wait to talk and you will continue the conversation later.

  1. Pretend to listen

The other thing you could do is give a listening ear but actually don’t listen anything, you can do your work and at same time and pretend that your listening. This way you are not hurting your friend and as well doing your work without any frustration.

  1. Excuse yourself after listening for a while

If the chatterbox has already started the talk, what you do is listen for a while and later excuse yourself half way through the conversation. This way you can save yourself through at least half way. 

  1. Walk quickly if you see the chatterbox

The moment you see the chatter box coming towards, you can just change your path and save yourself from coming in front of their eye. So take some quick steps when you see them coming your way.

  1. Take a restroom or coffee break

In the mid of the conversation you can excuse yourself for a cup of coffee or even to go to the restroom.

  1. Do not encourage the talk

The chatterbox will always come to you when they knew you will give them a listening ear and go on with the conversation. When you talk to your extrovert friend do not encourage the conversation and ask them questions that can keep them glued to the conversation. Avoid doing this or else you will have to waste plenty of your time getting bored.

  1. Be straight but not rude

You can straight way tell your friend that you’re not interested in the conversation but be polite and don’t hurt his or her sentiments.

Whatever you do, remember that you don’t hurt the chatter box after all they too are people like us and most important they are your friends, classmates or colleges. You can solve this more maturely, wisely and professionally.

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Daisy Pais


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