7 Things I’ve Learnt From My First Year As A BMS Student!


first year college

Now when I look back to my 1st year diaries, I realised I’ve learnt a lot. I never thought I would learn so much in my 1st year itself. This has helped me know what is important and how can I succeed in my field. Here are a few things that summed up about my 1st year:


  1. BMS gives you confidence to speak to people and face the crowd.

BMS is all about opening up in front of everyone and showcasing your talent and ideas. You have to give presentations and speak about your projects in front of your classmates and teachers. In your 1st year itself you have to step out of your shell and shine. BMS gives you a lot of confidence which will help you in future.


  1. You will know what college fests are all about.

In your junior college, you may have seen fests and even taken part, but in degree colleges you will actually see how it happens. You can enter the core committee and work for your college festivals.


  1. You will learn more about how to study from different reference books and score good marks.

You are used to studying from one book itself for each subject in your 10th and 12th but now that will change in your 1st year as you have to refer many books for 1 subject only. You have to search google online and know the basics and research about examples to know more about the subject.

  1. BMS has so many interesting subjects, you will never get bored.

The one thing I absolutely love about BMS is since it covers a variety of subjects, you will never get bored. Every semester there are different subjects which vary from the previous semester.


 pass exams


  1. You will learn how important it is to pass your exams.

In your previous years, if you fail any subject, you just get a fail remark. You don’t have to repeat a particular subject unless it’s your board exams.  But here in university exams, you have to repeat the whole subject which is carried forward in the next semester. You will have a hard time struggling to study all the subjects at once.


  1. You will learn the grading point (GPA) system.

University exams have grading system which wasn’t the case in your SSC and HSC mark sheets. You will earn how much you need to score in your exams to get a good grade. This grading system has much importance in your final exams.


  1. You will learn more about yourself with the choices you make in your 1st

You will make many new friends, learn new things, and make choices which will help you know more about yourself. You will know what you must study and learn to make you go reach your aim. BMS really helps you find yourself and be a more confident person.


These are a few things I learnt in my 1st year of BMS and I am still learning much more. I hope you have a good 1st year in BMS.


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Rhea Shetty

I started out as a science student,But then I wanted to do something which showcases my creativity and not just book knowledge. So I choose BMS and here I am excelling in every field. BMS is the best decision I have ever made. Hoping to help everyone with my posts.