7 Things Rich People Do Differently Every Day



Who doesn’t want to be rich? Who does not want to live life king size? But it’s not bound to happen suddenly. Becoming rich is something every other person dreams of, but only a handful of people really strive to achieve it. What you do today is matters. Your habits are associated with determination of your wealth.

You might not even realize but your small small habits actually can change your status by making you wealthy. However, habits are not the only thing between you and getting rich. It’s the determination and high degree of persistence that can make you wealthy.

Always remember, successful people have achieved success by failing atleast once in their lifetime. It’s after failure how they managed to get up and realize from their mistakes and along with persistence they finally achieved what they wanted to.

“The metaphor I like is the avalanche,” says Thomas Corley, the author of “Rich Habits: The Daily Success Habits Of Wealthy Individuals.” “These habits are like snowflakes – they build up, and then you have an avalanche of success.” After spending his life in both the faces i.e poor and rich he realized that there are “rich habits” and “poor habits”  of people who tend to fall in either of the category. He explains that every person has some rich habits and poor habits. They key is to get more than 50% to be rich habits.

Here are the things that rich people do differently everyday:

1- Keep their goals in sight.

“I focus on my goals every day.”
Rich people who agree: 62%
Poor people who agree: 6%

Rich people are very dedicated souls who always keep their goals in mind and give a concise thought regularly. Not all put their goals in writing.  If goals have two things 1)it’s achievable 2) there is physical action, then you can pursue them spontaneously.

2- They know what needs to be done today

“I maintain a daily to-do list.”
Rich people who agree: 81%
Poor people who agree: 19%

Rich people make their to-do list every single day! Unlike others, who prepare to-do list but do not actually do it. Lame ain’t it?

3- They don’t watch TV

“I watch TV one hour or less per day.”
Rich people who agree: 67%
Poor people who agree: 23%


Similarly, only 6% of the wealthy watch reality shows, compared to 78% of the poor. Wealthy people don’t spend time watching  TV mainly because they are associated with some of their daily habitual behavior (for eg-reading ) and not by having the pride of being superior than others. The important thing to note here is that wealthy people make careful use of their time and aim to make every second productive.

4- They read, but not for fun.

“I love reading.”
Rich people who agree: 86%
Poor people who agree: 26%

habits of the rich

Yes they read but not for fun. They rather prefer non-fiction books. In fact, 88% of them read for self-improvement for 30 minutes each day, compared to 2% of poor people.

5- Plus, they use audio books too.

“I listen to audio books during the commute to work.”
Rich people who agree: 63%
Poor people who agree: 5%

It’s an advice for you if you are not an audio book listener, better jump into this fast while you commute with these commute-friendly self-improvement activities.

6- They make a point of going above and beyond at office.

“I do more than my job requires.”
Rich people who agree: 81%
Poor people who agree: 17%

Rich people put in extra efforts to give more than what the  job demands. It’s important to note that almost 85% of wealthy people spend about 50 or more hours per week working. And only 6% of wealthy people claim to be unhappy because of their work.

7- They aren’t hoping for a jackpot.

“I play the lottery regularly.”
Rich people who agree: 6%
Poor people who agree: 77%

That doesn’t mean that wealthy people do not take risks. They take risks at a higher level when big money is involved. However, they do not just sit  back and hope for things to change and be good, rather they are the ones who stand up and fix those situations.

Wish to become rich…guess these habits can come in handy. Inculcate these habits along with a persistence and you shall become one of those wealthy people out there.

– Vatsal Doshi

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I'm a guy who loves to learn as long as I like it. Else than that, I like to blog, play games, listen to music and make new friends. Passionate about football. My motto- "Spread happiness as it's free of cost!" :)


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