7 Things That Make Me Feel Ashamed Of Being An Indian


Enough is Enough.. Stop Child Labour


Many  uneducated people don’t really know that child labour is a crime. They continue to misbehave with children. They kidnap them and force them to do many things which are not acceptable in this country. All these little ones wish to go to school, play around in their childhood life, learn many new things which will help them grow. But unfortunately many kidnapped children cannot fulfill their wishes. They are forced to beg in front of people. Many of them are forcefully made blind and some of them turn out to be handicapped as well. Taking a recent news update, two children between the age 6 to 15 who reside in Delhi had been kidnapped and till date their parents don’t know where their little ones are.  We know it very well that childhood is the best part of our life. Instead of torturing them one can think and make his/her life lead to prosperity.


India Gang Rape

Women  are angels created by God for everyone. As it is rightly said “BEHIND EVERY SUCCESSFULL MAN THERE IS SURELY A WOMEN” .But the sad part is that even today women are not given their deserving position. They are not righteously treated equal to men. Even after striving so hard all throughout their life many girls are not allowed to take up a job or pursue their dreams  after their marriage. Why can’t they  explore, learn and do what they want to ? Why do they have to sit back home and carry on with the daily household chores? Why is this inequality between men and women? This is shameful on our side. Women never get what they deserve, they get what we want to give. India  being  a democratic country  still faces inequality. This is pretty shameful!



Everywhere you go, somewhere or the other you won’t find a wall or a pillar that does not have red stains on it. People chew tobacco and spit anywhere without concerning  about cleanliness.  People even throw litter anywhere. How would they feel if the same litter is dumped at their own houses. This is a really shameful thing being an Indian.



Rapes are the most commonly occurring events all around the world.  Women are  harassed physically as well as mentally. The recent gang rape in Delhi of a 22 year old girl shook the world. A few years back two tourists who visited India were also gang raped. I really don’t understand what provokes them to commit such a crime. People even come up with this: a girl’s attire provokes men…Can you even believe it?  Why can’t a girl wear whatever she wants to? Why can’t she dress up in her own style? If a guy can wear whatever he wants to even a girl has every right to do the same. This is unfortunately one of the  darkest side of India and I’m ashamed of this!



Dowry refers to amount of money brought by a bride to her husband at the time of marriage. Sadly, dowry system still continues to take place in the northern states. Though there many dowry provision acts taking place t there is no change in the behaviour and thinking of those people. Only a strong consumer movement can help this dowry fade.



Yet another thing that makes me feel ashamed of. Child marriage has been carried on since a long time. There is no age limit for this. For example, a girl of age 6 is forcefully married to a 17 year old boy. This shows how uncivilized culture still dwells in the mind of Indians. The very popular colors tv show BALIKA VADHU highlights how parents force their children to get married. However, nowadays people are more educated but still in some corners of India such practices are taking place.



People are corrupt that is why there is corruption. No matter what people use their corrupt ideas.  Though there are many anti-corruption operations been undertaken we do not see any changes in our environment. People like Anna Hazare Kiran Bedi, etc have taken all their efforts to fight against corruption.

No doubt there are people who participate in such anti corrupt activities but we do not see any changes in our day to day life. People continue their corrupt activities and today India is one of the states filled with corruption. it is shameful that even after 68 years of independence corruption is rising at its peek level.

Money is the root cause of corruption. It encourages people to carry on their corrupt activities and today we Indians have to face such an embarrassing situation in front of the world!

– Vatsal Doshi

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