7 Things You Must Know While Studying For BMS Exams


7 Things You Must Know While Studying For BMS Exams


BMS exams are very different from other commerce courses. It is unique because it doesn’t only test your bookish knowledge, but it tests what exactly you understood about the subject. Here are a few points you must keep in mind when you’re preparing for a BMS exam.


  1. You need to jot down everything your teachers say in the class.

BMS Teachers often give head points of the topics in the lectures. You must jot them down in a book and make a note of important topics. You can note down all the definitions and examples that teachers give during the lecture. This will help you remember and understand these subjects with ease when you study for your exam.


  1. You should make a 6-in-one subject book.

BMS Students often have a habit of getting one rough book which will contain all subject matter. This will create a lot of problem while studying for exams. Students also make 6 different books and waste a lot of money and paper. Instead of making 6 different books for each subject in each semester, you can purchase a 6-in-1 notebook. And make different divisions for each subject. This will save your time and money.


  1. Make notes and give your own acronyms for points in an answer.

When you start studying, you can make notes and high-light the main words in the text book. You can also make acronyms to remember the names of the points using the acronyms you have decided for the answer. This will help you during the exams.


  1. Find examples related to the subject and topics.

BMS is not just copy pasting the answers from the text book. You need to explain the answers as per what you have understood from the textbook. For this, if you study and mention the examples in the exam, you will definitely get brownie points from your teachers.


  1. Study from reference books.

For a BMS student, just studying from one book is not enough. You need to refer different publications and reference books. By doing this you have a rough idea about what exactly is the content about and you can form your own answers from all the books. Teachers often tell students to refer more books but students don’t listen and repent later on. You can avoid this situation by taking reference books from the library.


  1. Make a question bank for each subject.

You can jot down all the possible questions in each subject and make your own question bank. You can refer these questions only and study for the exams. Remember, a question bank must contain all questions. You can frame questions in your way and study accordingly. Also, if college gives you a question bank, don’t blindly rely on that. You will face a lot of problems during the exam because college gives on 70% of the paper and if you are not thorough with all the questions in the question bank, then you will be at loss.


  1. Read all case studies in the back of any publications for each subject.

Case studies are very important and although they may seem easy to write in the exam, they are not. You need to read many examples and analyse how exactly the case is answered. You need to practise a few case studies and only then you will be fully prepared for the exam.

 studying for exams

These few tips can help you crack the exam without any problems. You can follow these points and save time during exams. You will also never have to face ATKT exams if you prepare from the start.



By Rhea Shetty.

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Rhea Shetty

I started out as a science student,But then I wanted to do something which showcases my creativity and not just book knowledge. So I choose BMS and here I am excelling in every field. BMS is the best decision I have ever made. Hoping to help everyone with my posts.


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