7 Tweets on #Tehran Trending at Twitter

  1. #Tehran plane crash: IRNA reports 38 people dead. Pilot detected technical issues four minutes after take-off
  2. My thought and prayers are with victims and their family of Tehran‘s #Mehrabad crash. May they rest in peace.
  3. Passenger plane crashes on Sunday near Mehrabad Airport in Iranian capital Tehran, 50 dead including 7 children
  4. #Iran ‘s position not clear yet in crisis between #Maliki and other parties in #Iraq but Tehran‘s role will be vital
  5. Pilot detected technical issues 4 mins after take-off and tried to return to the airport
  6. Iranian security forces stand next to the remains of a plane as they secure the scene of a crash near Tehran‘s…
  7. #Engine problems might have been the cause behind the crash of an #Iranian plane in #Tehran



By Amit B



(Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed here are postings on social media website. We do not endorse the same.) 


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