7 Tweets, Status On ‘Natwar Singh’ Trending at Twitter


natwar singh

  1. natwar singh bhi abhi neend se jage hain, wait kar rahe the ki BJP Govt bane tab book release karunga
  2. The 2 biggest revelations in the Natwar Singh interview: 1. Natwar Singh is still alive. 2. Karan Thapar is still employed.
  3.  Natwar Singh ji wonderful!! After years of humiliation what a loyalty for Gandhis; The cooked interview at HT has been badly exposed
  4. Truth seekers waiting for Natwar Singh‘s sermon… LOL 😀 Natwar should write a book on his own notorious past, will b much more intersting
  5. Looking forward to reading Natwar Singh‘s book only to know his inside view on the Volcker Commission which indicted him and his son.
  6. Natwar Singh‘s “bomb” a damp squib. No tough q’s by KT on UPA scams, bar Volcker. Book sanitised by time & discretion
  7. Ummm, isn’t what Natwar Singh saying already there in Sanjaya Baru’s book, even if the latter did not use the word “files”?

By Ravi Agnihotri

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