7 Ways To Become A More Attractive Guy


attractive guy

Beauty comes from within. Whether you are good looking is a subjective opinion so the most important thing is to look good enough that you are accepted everywhere. Looking good is important in work life, social life as it helps you make attractive enough for people to think of you, praise you. You cannot completely change your genes so you will be looking as you are, but you have to just get the best out of what you got so here are some simple things you should do which will make you attractive enough without any need for facial, bleaching, beauty creams etc.

1) Shower Daily

It is important to shower daily as it cleanse you up and you feel fresh and energetic and have a scent. Using good soap will also moisturize your skin, if you sweat a lot it is important to shower twice daily.

2) Odor

This is important as a bad odor can turn people off you. Wear a deodorant every day. It is good to always have a deo with you especially if you are going to sweat whole day long.

3) Hair Style

It is important to have a hairstyle which suits your facial features. It is also good to have a short or medium hairstyle as it looks professional and more attractive.

4) Stay Fit

Exercise is important as it energizes you, keeps you fit physically and also mentally. Do Yoga and Meditation or work out in gym to look fit as a mentally and physically.

5) Eat Healthy

Eating fruits, vegetables, beans is good for health. Eating good food helps your skin, mind, health, digestive system, heart, stamina, and growth so it is so damn important to eat well.

6) Clothing

Wear something that is fashionable and also comfortable. Dress according to occasion If you are a guy wearing a polo and a jeans with good casual shoes is good while in office surely wear formals which look professionals.

7) Smile

Last but not least, SMILE. You do all the good things but it all can get washed off if you don’t have a friendly attitude. It is important to smile even though you don’t have a beautiful smile just smile and talk softly. It shows that you are greeting someone in a friendly manner and it will attract anyone in an instant.

– Jainam Jhaveri

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