7 Ways to Defuse Workplace Conflicts



Conflicts are seen everywhere. Whether it is inter-person conflict or intra-person conflict, we all experience it. Conflicts arises in workplace due to lack of understanding, difference of opinions or negative arguments.Time spend for these conflicts can instead be used for betterment of the organization. It’s always beneficial to know well in advance about the ways we can defuse tension and conflicts in the workplace. So here we go:

1- Address it Directly.


Tackle conflicts by addressing them directly with the parties involved.  Raise the issues to both the parties and explaining negative feelings can be handled with proper manner significantly increases their productivity and positivity.

2- Listen to both the sides.


Making decision just by hearing one party is not fair. Both the parties will tell you things that favour them and blame the other person. You have to listen to both of them clearly and let them express the tension without any fear.

3- Bring both the parties together.


This step often triggers the issues other party is unaware of. Allow both of them to share their perspective of the tension or conflict. 

4- Encourage compromise.14562647_s

Make them understand that for the sake of working together they have to compromise a little. Convincing to compromise can be hard as both parties are firm with their opinions on resolving the matter. However, if carried out properly everyone will share a peaceful workplace.

5- Find common ground.


Finding  a common ground in any conflict is very important. You don’t want to favour one employee at the cost of losing the other employee. Every conflict has something that both parties can agree upon. Make them understand that compromising will always lead to a common ground and both parties will be satisfied.

6- Confront negative feelings.


This is very important if you want the workplace to be peaceful with healthy relationships. The feelings and thoughts that arose during the conflict stage needs to be worked out. If hard feelings aren’t sorted out clearly, there is a possibility that conflict may occur again.

7- Stay positive.


It’s important for you to stay positive and initiate positivity in the minds of both the parties. Resolving a conflict with positivity is time-saving and takes lesser efforts.

They are your employees or co-founders because you have seen the potential in them. Favouring only one is harmful for your company too. As entrepreneurs are knows for their decision-making, next time make sure you use these ways to defuse any conflict or tension in your company.

-Vatsal Doshi

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