75 : 25 System Into Action For BMS- MU Screwed Us Up Totally This Time!


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The new circular is out, and its official BMS will no more have projects, assignments, PPT’s and Industrial visits too become conditional! Whats the point of it all then? Now now for all those of you who are screaming with joy at the thought of no PPT’s let me give u a tiny wake up call!

Post your T.Y.BMS, when a graduate today steps out for a job he has to struggle because the course has not trained you well enough to be eligible for working anywhere! Ya a back-office job maybe, a tele-caller or a call center executive? that is what you are getting today post BMS from a normal college.

Unless you are from the elite blue blooded college’s your BMS has no standing or valuation and now with the 75-25 rule it’s gone worse. 20 Marks will allotted to assignments or case studies and the remaining 5 for attendance. So the 40 marks which ensured you had some industry know how, communication skills, team management, leadership abilities – all lost!

If textbooks were solely responsible for an amazing career then why would practical knowledge be needed in the first place? It’s truly disheartening to know about this move from the University! Hoping for a better future for every student who is faced with this system.

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