$75 Million To SF General Hospital By Facebook Founder! Here Is The Inside Story


SF Hospital

San Francisco General Hospital is the main public hospital in San Francisco, California and the only Level 1 Trauma center for the 1.5 million residents of San Francisco and the northern San Mateo County.

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Facebook Founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg and his wife, Dr. Priscilla Chan are donating $75 million to San Francisco General Hospital to help fund critical equipment and technology for the new public hospital which is scheduled to open by the end of this year.

SF Hospital1

The donation to SF General hospital is the largest single gift to the hospital since its foundation in 1994 and the hospital officials believe it is the single largest private gift from individuals to a public hospital in the nation.

SF General Hospital


With that in mind, the city has started the process of adding the couple’s name to the hospital, making it Priscilla and Mark Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital and Trauma Center.

mark ruckerberg


“We believe everyone deserves access to high quality health care. Priscilla has served the hospital over the past couple of years, completing her medical residency as a pediatrician. We hope this contribution alongside the great work of other contributors, will help The General to continue to save lives and deliver care to everyone who needs it.” said Mark Zuckerberg


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