8 Awesome Hilarious #SonySix Tweets, Status Trending On Twitter, Facebook



  1. Micromax needs no introduction, and neither does Microsoft. Both are extremely talented companies at what they do.
  2. “The no.of goals in this tournament is just going to keep increasing” – Nikhil Chinnapa, WTF!!?
  3. After seeing Gaurav kapoor even Nikhil chinappa sounds intelligent talking football
  4. has lost it. After Gaurav Kapoor comes Nikhil Chinnapa. Come on guys! This isn’t India’s Got Talent. It’s the World Cup.
  5. So feels advertisements are more important than the opening national anthems – not fair, not sporting.
  6. Waiting for to announce Dettol Safe Hands contest for best goalkeeper at
  7. Lets see if listens to viewer feedback & changes guest panel or stubbornly sticks to disastrous Crouch, Mikael, John.
  8. If acting in ‘Goal’ makes John Abraham a football pundit, Then Sunny Deol should be made the Army Chief!

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