8 Cool ‘Amit Kumar’ Tweets Trending On Twitter


amit kumar


  1. Yay GO INDIA…! Congo Amit Kumar…A gold for our country! #CWG2014  😀
  1. I salute Amit Kumar and Congratulate him for this victory. Fact: He was born on 15 Dec, Mere B’day wale din.
  2. Amit Kumar World class and well deserved.1st Gold medal in Wrestling hopefully more to follow.Come on India!
  3. Congrats Amit Kumar for winning gold in 57 kg weightlifting at the Commonwealth games 2014.
  4. #CWG2014 #Glasgow And now a gold! Woohoo! Amit Kumar bags a gold in Men’s Freestyle 57kg Wrestling final!
  5. Amit Kumar showing exactly why he’s a champion. You’ve got to watch this. #CommonwealthGames
  6. What an incredible defense by Amit Kumar!!! Just too good!! #wrestling #CWG2014
  7. Wrestling Men’s FS 57 kg Gold Medal Match # India’s Amit Kumar Leads 4-0 at the end of 1st half #CWGIndia
  8. Amit Kumar wins from Pakistan’s Hussain with 4-0 score and makes his way to finals. #CWG2014


By Ravi Agnihotri


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