8 Cool Superb #IndiaAtMars Tweets, Facebook Status, WhatsApp Messages Trending Today

  1. India reach Mars NaMo reach 7RCR Pakistani still trying to reach Kashmir AK is planning for another U Turn
  2. Let’s congratulate all our brilliant scientists on their achievement.
  3. Keep Calm and Believe in ISRO. Feeling so proud today! Hit Retweet Proudly!
  4. NDA1 budget for ISRO was 400 cr in 2004. UPA increased it to 4000 cr by 2014. Jai Hind, Indians!
  5. has successfully executed the without any association with any foreign country.
  6. Meanwhile, iN Some Distant Village ISRO Is Being Heavily Discussed. Jai Hind!
  7. During his rambling speech after , Modi mentioned ‘main’ 2 dozen times but ‘scientists’ only once.
  8. The entire Mangalyaan op cost Rs 450 Cr, abt Rs 11.25 per km – less than what autowalas in India charge !

Disclaimer: Opinion expressed in this article are taken from various social media sites. It doesn’t reflect the views of BMS.co.in and we are not responsible or liable for the same.


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