8 Essential College Tips And Guidelines For SYBMS Students


8 Essential College Tips And Guidelines For SYBMS Students

college tips

BMS is a course where you need to explore and use your skills and talent to the fullest extent. You need to take advices from your seniors and ask for tips for what must be done and what is expected from you in your 2nd year. Here we present few tips and guidelines for SYBMS students:

  1. Take your studies seriously and actually have the curiosity to learn as much as you can.

BMS is a beautiful subject and the more you learn, the more closer you can get to achieve your aims, goals and dreams. You should read different books and keep yourself informed about current business affairs.


  1. Check out the different career options after BMS.

There are many careers you can choose after completing BMS like sales and marketing, finance, hotel management, advertising, content writing, banking etc. You can do a brief research on the companies that offer such jobs. As you’re in the 2nd year, you need to do some research and ask people in this field and then only decide what you want to choose after 3rd year.

 college tips

  1. Enrol yourself in a coaching class for CAT.

If you’re planning to give CAT (common admission test) or the GMAT (Graduate management admission test), Check out all the details and choose a coaching class accordingly. You can give the CAT exam in October / November. A second year student cannot give CAT but you can study in the 2nd year and give the exam in your 5th semester (November) and take admission after 3rd year ends.


  1. Apply for an Internship.

For a BMS student one of the most important thing is to gain experience and practical knowledge. Search for good internship opportunity that is appropriate and apply. Companies are nowadays hiring BMS undergrads for internships.


  1. Learn how to write a resume.

A resume is a written compilation of your education, work experience, credentials and accomplishments and is used to apply for jobs. As a 2nd BMS student, you must know how to write a brief resume to submit while applying for a job.


  1. Take part in various events in your college.

Take active part in as many college fests, events and competitions as possible. Enter in the college festival core committee. You also gain more confidence which will help you do better later on. The more certificates you receive, the better.


  1. Be organised. Prepare schedules and Time tables and stick to them.

Organise your books and study material on your study table and use time saving tools like to-do lists. Use calendars to mark important dates and events so that you don’t need to waste time later on remembering those dates. The best way to manage time is to make a schedule for the whole day. Decide how long will a task take and plan accordingly. During exam time, make time tables and allot each subject a particular time accordingly.  This will help you manage time which is very important for succeeding at a business workplace.

  1. Read newspapers, articles and blogs and stay informed.

As a SYBMS student, YOU must have knowledge about current affairs and business news. Watch news headlines and read as much as you can. Also read the newspapers or the E-paper on the internet to stay informed.


Following these tips will set you on the right track and make you aware about the benefits of BMS. Good luck.



By Rhea Shetty.


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Rhea Shetty

I started out as a science student,But then I wanted to do something which showcases my creativity and not just book knowledge. So I choose BMS and here I am excelling in every field. BMS is the best decision I have ever made. Hoping to help everyone with my posts.


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