8 Facts On Flame Nebula That You Surely Do Not Know



Flame Nebula is nothing but just an emission nebula in the constellation Orion.Here are a few facts that you did not know about Nebula:

  1. The emission is around 900-1500 ly (lightyears) away.
  2. The study was and is being done through X-Rays from Chandra and infrared data from NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope.
    Nebula as per nasa
  • The images from Chandra appeared it to be purple in colour while the latter presented in red, green and blue.
  • The Flame Nebula is a part of the Orion Molecule Cloud Complex which is a Star Forming Region and includes Horsehead Nebula.
  • The stars at the center of the NGC 2024 were about 2,00,000 years old and the one at the outskirts are about 1.5 million years old and the ones which are between both are 1.2 milllion old.
  • Another study states that these clusters , the oldest ones while formation were in the center but have drifted on the outskirts because of the reaction in the formation of the middle and newly formed clusters and similarly the middle cluster was also in the center but has drifted in the middle due to formation of the new stars.
  • There is a lot of dark gas and dust lying in the center.
  • Alnitak, the easternmost bright star in the Belt of Orion shines energetic ultraviolet rays/light into the Flame and this leads to the sending of electrons away from the Hydrogen Clouds out there but much of the glow is because of the combination of Iodized Hydrogen and electron’s combination.
    nebula in blue

    To Know More About such Flames and Outer Space Watch the Video Below


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Shreya Karania
A first year management student from Mumbai.


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