8 Fast Facts About Paleo Diet You Need To Know






Did you know that Paleo is about eating whole foods? Did you saturated fats play an important role in bone health, supports immune system and impacts on cardiovascular function?

1)    Paleo means selecting foods that our cavepeople / ancestors used to eat during the Paleothic era.

2)    Paleo diet includes meat, fish, vegetables, nuts, eggs, seeds and doesn’t include nutritious foods.

3)    As per Paleo experts, our bodies are not developed or evolved to have modern day diet.

4)    Paleo diet helps to cure our diseases and common health problems.

5)    Paleo diet also helps to lose weight or feel or look better.

6)    Paleo diet focuses that we should have wild-caught fish, grass-fed meat and seasonal vegetables.

7)    Paleo diet doesn’t include grains, sugar, diary, legumes, processed foods and recommends more whole foods and vegetables.

8)    Paleo means following a clean natural diet without cutting out anything and focusing more on eating.

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