8 Gloomy Quotes On Death That Will Make You Cry


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1. Every parting is a form of death, as every reunion is a type of heaven.

2. The major difference between the dark and the light:
In the light, you see me.
In the dark, you see the monsters inside me.
In the light, you see my clothes.
In the dark, you see my scars.
In the light, you see a tree.
In the dark, I see my way out.

3. Living Life to the Fullest often leaves you Empty.

4. I may look happy everyday… You might not know.. But when I die… You’ll read the truth in my Journal.

5. “My fault was I trusted you with all my heart, my problem was loving you too much and taking it for granted, And when you left me unable to reply… My final words… just a goodbye, I tried to follow you into the next world beyond, but was too scared to die.”

6. When I Die, Don’t Come Near My Body. Because My Hand May Not Be Able To Wipe Your Tears Anymore.

7. I have trouble accepting the fact that you’re gone, so I won’t…It’ll be like we went for awhile without seeing each other. But I can see why God would want you closer to him, because you truly were an angel on Earth.

8. “If I died tomorrow, I would regret losing one thing. It wouldn’t be life, or laughter, or family, it would be to know that I couldn’t see your smile shining bright”.



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