8 Healthy Habits For Avoiding Obesity



Obesity is one of the few problem which does not have a age limit. Obesity is a chronic disease affecting more and more children, adolescents and adults. Eating habits and physical activity are the most important factors determining the level of obesity in a person. Maintaining healthy habits from the start can help your whole family avoid lifestyle problems that can occur later in life, such as overweight and obesity, type-2 diabetes, types of cancer and high blood pressure.

Here’s what you should exactly do to stay away from obesity:

1-Promote healthy eating in your home.

People are more likely to develop healthy eating environment & behaviour when they are given healthy foods at home.Limit your fast foods upto a certain extent.Healthy food is what makes you healthy and eventually the whole  family.

2- Establish healthy eating routines

Healthy food isn’t only about food choices but also the pattern of your eating style.Maintaining a healthy eating schedule helps you keep far away from obesity.For eg,it’s important for you to:

  1. eat breakfast every day
  2. eat regular meals and several snacks throughout the day
  3. eat meals together at the table or kitchen bench, rather than in front of the TV (many parents also find mealtimes are more pleasant and less stressful when the TV is off)
  4. allow enough time so meals can be eaten in a relaxed and unhurried way.


3- Make physical activity part of everyday life.

Many of us think that doing physical activity only means playing sports or strenuous exercise,but its not that.For eg, you can walk instead of catching an auto for a short distance.Being inactive attracts obese.

4-Make a distinction between ‘everyday’ and ‘sometimes’ foods.

“Everyday” foods means healthy and nutritious foods while “sometimes” foods include all those fast foods,snacks basically non-healthy food that should be avoided eating everyday.So tell your mom to hide high-calorie snacks and keep low-calorie nutritious snack foods available for you.You might enjoy unhealthy foods,but have it occasionally only as they do not provide your body with the essential nutrients.


5- Be aware of serving size.

This point is more for your mom and less for you.Though it means that you should have healthy foods,but only in certain quantity.Preparing the right amount discourages mom  from coming back for seconds or putting too much on your plates.

6- Value your body,rather than how it looks.

Always value your inner body rather than outer body.Very few people can really do that..so i hope you are one of them 🙂

7- Stay Positive!

Even if you are obsese never try to make any negative comments about your weight.Making negative comments would encourage you to think that body’s appearance is more important than body’s health. Positive self-talk encourages positive body image and higher self-esteem!!

 – Vatsal Doshi


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