8 Interesting Facts About Reham Khan You Definitely Do Not Know


8 Interesting Facts About Reham Khan You Definitely Do Not Know

Reham Khan

1) Reham Khan is a British Pakistani journalist and the wife of former cricketer Imran Khan

2) On 13 May 2015, Reham Khan gave her first television interview.

3) She was born on 3 April 1973 to Dr. Nayyar Ramzan, a physician.

4) She currently hosts the talk show ‘The Reham Khan Show’ on Dawn News.

5) She has a bachelor degree in education and post graduate in Broadcast Journalism at North Lindsey College.

6) She started her career in 2006 hosting shows on Legal TV. Top of Form

7) She came to Pakistan in 2013 and joined News One, a Pakistani news channel.

8) Her programme The Reham Khan Show which debuted in May 2015 celebrates the Pakistani heroes.


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