8 Interesting Facts About ‘Stuart Scott’ That You Must Know


 8 Interesting Facts About ‘Stuart Scott‘ That You Must Know

ESPN's Stuart Scott arrive at Tiger Jam VIII at Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas.

Stuart Orlando Scott was an American sportscaster and anchor on ESPN. He was most notable on the network’s SportsCenter. Stuart Scott regularly covered the NBA and NFL for ESPN.

Here are some Quick Facts that you must know about Stuart Scott:

1. Stuart Scott was well-known for his unique style and for his use of catchphrases such as “Boo-Yah!”,”Hallah”,”And the Lord said you got to rise Up-hah”etc.

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2. Stuart Scott was married to Kimberly Scott from 1993 to 2007. They had two daughters together named Taelor and Sydni.

Here is the image of Stuart Scott with  Taelor and Sydni:

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3. Stuart Scott was in a relationship with Kristin Spodobalski at the time of his death.

Here is the image of Stuart Scott with Kristin Spodobalski

Stuart Scott

4. Stuart Scott died on January 4, 2015 died at the age of 49 after a courageous and inspiring battle with cancer.

Stuart Scott

5. On April 3, 2002 Stuart Scott got injured when a football hit his face during a New York Jets mini-camp while filming a special for ESPN, a blow which damaged his cornea.

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6. Stuart Scott received surgery but afterwards suffered from ptosis, or drooping of the eyelid.

Stuart Scott

7. Stuart Scott was diagnosed with cancer in 2007. Stuart Scott went into remission in early 2012, he was again diagnosed with cancer on January 14, 2013.

Stuart Scott

8. For his fight against cancer he was honored at the ESPY Awards in 2014 with the Jimmy V Award.

Stuart Scott


Below is the Stuart Scott’s Speech after receiving Jimmy V Perseverance Award




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