8 Interesting #Siachen Tweets, Status Trending on Twitter




  1. Modi has raised the bar, by visiting Jawans in on the eve of Diwali, he has earned lot of gudwil from Indian ppl, kudos to u mr PM.
  2. There is a stark similarity between the recent rants of Pak and the rants of Cong pre- 2014 elections. both are sinking fast
  3. Praising soldiers at Siachen is same man who said ‘More than our soldiers,it is our traders who are known for their risk-taking capacity’
  4. spent his first Diwali after becoming Prime Minister with soldiers posted on the heights of the Siachen
  5. Such a remarkable gesture by PM to visit Siachen. This is one PM who will change the paradigm…
  6. Watched @naerndramodi talk to jawans n reminded of telling me “Our CM’s a gutsy man, if he comes to Delhi u will know
  7. Only observed… Modi went to Siachen w/o his usual SPG cover.. B/c he doesnt need them with our own Jawans..
  8. . gets it politically, socially & emotionally right again; To visit our Siachen soldiers on Diwali is humble/inspiring gesture
    (Disclaimer : The information provided here is derived from various social media websites. We neither endorse nor support the same)

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