8 “Israel” Tweets Trending On Twitter





  1. The ONLY good news. The “Israel Is Always Right” crowd is totally miserable. “We have lost the media. It’s a nightmare.”
  2. GAZA 3 hours ago Israel targeted the journalist ” Ezzat Duhair ” in his home, killed with 4 members of his family, others injured!
  3. Israel has broken 65 ‘UN resolutions’ with NO consequences. Iraq broke 2, got invaded, bombed and destroyed. double standards.
  4. It’s simple: either condemn ‘s actions or embrace your identity as someone who’s okay with the wholesale slaughter of children.
  5. He says Israel has the right to defend itself against Palestinian resistance forces. What about Gaza’s right to defend their land?
  6. UPDATE: Day 23 -CONFIRMED: 1,175 martyrs and more than 6,900 injured from the ongoing Israel terrorist genocide on Gaza..
  7.   the world has officially failed its duty to save innocent people from dying! Israel can have no justification for what they’ve caused!
  8. This is how kids in Palestine have to spend the happiest day of the year because israel hates to see them happy.


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