8 Kickass Quotes On Freedom For A Brand New You


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  1.  Loving someone means risking everything — but it’s always worth it.
    “In the flush of love’s light, we dare be brave. And suddenly we see that love costs all we are, and will ever be. Yet it is only love which sets us free.” – An Angel
  2. You should write, write, write every day, and learn to edit and pare it right back so you’re proud of every sentence, and each one is either being useful or beautiful, but hopefully both. – Caitlin moran
  3. A library in the middle of a community is a cross between an emergency exit, a life raft and a festival. They are cathedrals of the mind; hospitals of the soul; theme parks of the imagination. – Caitlin Moran
  4. When a woman says, “I have nothing to wear!”, what she really means is, ‘There’s nothing here for who I’m supposed to be today. – Caitlin Moran
  5. We must recall the most important of humanity guidelines: Be polite. Being polite is possibly the greatest daily contribution everyone can make to life on Earth. – Caitlin Moran
  6. A “sign of weakness” for a male celebrity is being found to be unfaithful, or unkind to an employee, or having crashed their car while stoned out of their tiny minds. A “sign of weakness” for a woman, on the other hand, can be a single, unflattering picture. – Caitlin Moran
  7. Make changes where you can, but accept the things that you have no control over.“If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude. Don’t complain.” – Maya Angeloue
  8. Women need to support each other. “Each time a woman stands up for herself, without knowing it possibly, without claiming it, she stands up for all women.” – Maya Angeloue



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