8 Latest Funniest Yo Yo Honey Singh Trolls, Memes, Jokes Trending On WhatsApp


When the movie ‘Xpose’ was released, Honey Singh became a butt of jokes on social media. While many people questioned his crazy fan following, there were others who mocked his lyrics.

Here we present 8 Latest Funniest Yo Yo Honey Singh Trolls, Memes, Jokes Trending On WhatsApp:

  1. “When life gives you Singh , make it Arijit Singh not Honey Singh”
  2. “That awkward moment when u realize Yo Yo Honey Singh has more FB fans than A. R. Rahman. Music in this County is in a very critical state”
  3. “Giriraj Singh , Yo Yo Honey Singh and Xpose all trending at the same time…. Sad day for our country.”
  4. “Delhi has two kinds of street music, one Himesh Reshamiya songs played in autorickshaws, second Yo Yo Honey Singh songs played in cars.”
  5. “Honey Singh makes videos filmed in exotic locations, half the lyrics are about Chandigarh.”

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