8 Most Hilarious #CafeRio Status, Tweets Trending On Twitter



  1. Nowadays, doctors are prescribing new sleeping pills : Watch ‘Cafe Rio’ for 5 min at Sony Max
  2. Sony Six should be rename itself ‘Sony Goal’ till gets over
  3. The way is repeating the Pepe Red card incident Ekta Kapoor might consider making an entire series about it.
  4. All the Portugal players are in hurry to return to the dug out so they cannot be discussed in by John and Gaurav Kapur!
  5. Genius is not what a man does with his twenty hour hours, but what he does in those fifty seconds of inspiration ! has COME !
  6. Very unimpressive panelists on . I would have gone for more confident and eloquent analysts and a knowledgeable host.
  7. If John Abraham deserves to be on for acting in “Goal”, so does Salman Khan who calls his next film “Kick”.
  8. Robin & van Gaal celebrating Dandiya Ishtyle baby!!


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