8 Quick Facts About Inge Lehmann You Need To Know


Inge Lehmann


1) Inge Lehmann was born on 13 May 1888 and died on 21 February 1993.

2) Inge Lehmann was a Danish seismologist and geophysicist who discovered the Earth’s inner core.

3) She was born and grew up in Osterbro which is a part of Copenhagen.

4) Her father was an experimental psychologist who was the most important influencer for her intellectual development.

5) She studied maths at University of Copenhagen and University of Cambridge.

6) She received many honors for her outstanding scientific achievements – Gordon Wood Award, Gold Medal of Danish Royal Society of Science and Letters, William Bowie Medal and many others.

7) The asteroid 5632 was named Ingelehmann in her honor.

8) On the 127th anniversary of her birth, Google Doodle was dedicated worldwide to her.

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