8 Quotes of ‘Dav Pilkey’


David “Dav” Pilkey, Jr. is a popular American author and illustrator of children’s literature. Pilkey is best known as the author and illustrator of the Captain Underpants book series.

Dav Pilkey


Quotes of ‘Dav Pilkey’:

1. I think every character I’ve ever come up with has been based on someone or something I’ve known.
2. Once I have the story in my head, I write it down. The illustrations usually come last.
3. I think my funny books are my favorites because I like to laugh so much.
4. I had a lot of reading problems growing up.
5. Being an author is fun. It’s a great job, because I can stay up as late as I want, and if I feel like taking the day off, I do it. Plus, I get to make up silly stories and draw pictures all day.
6. These ‘mistakes’ occur in my books for a reason. I have an agenda: I’m secretly trying to inspire kids to create their own stories and comics, and I don’t want them to feel stifled by ‘perfectionism.’
7. My freshman English professor at Kent State University in 1984 told me I was a good writer, and she loved all the silly pictures I drew in my notebook. She said I should try writing children’s books, and so I did.

8. My books are just pure escapism for kids.



By Shweta Tiwari


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