8 Random #CommunityShield Tweets, Facebook Status, WhatsApp Messages




  1. So Arsenal won #CommunityShield and suddenly that is a breaking News?
  2. After a long time finally feeling good on a Monday. Season is back. Arsenal are back. #Happy #CommunityShield
  3. #Wenger: “It’s always the same. If we lose it, people say to you “You’ve lost a trophy”; if you win it, “It’s only a #CommunityShield“.
  4. bright start to #arsenal season with #CommunityShield. Hope they have enough in the tank to go the distance & not sputter to a halt midway.
  5. No trophies for 9 years – then BAM! Two in two games. (We’ll take them both, thanks). #Arsenal #CommunityShield
  6. If you lose, they say you lost a trophy. If you win they say its only the #CommunityShield! Haters will always…
  7. I’m having rice for breakfast, it’d be a great idea to use the #CommunityShield as a plate. #AFC
  8. Arsenal comfortably beat Man City 3-0 to win the #CommunityShield


By Amit B


(Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed here are postings on social media website. We do not endorse the same.) 

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