8 Reasons why you should watch SUITS.




Network: USA Network.

Program creator: Aaron Korsh.


8) Harvey Specter (played by Gabriel Macht): He demonstrates the following archetypes: Don Juan, mentor, magical child, king, avenger, warrior, entrepreneur, hero, and trickster.

I love this character. He demonstrates how difficult our archetypal endowmentcan be at times as we progress and mature. The series begins with Harvey as the Don Juan who loves the one he’s with. But as the series continues, you see the Don Juan progress as Harvey matures and wants to be in a serious relationship with his longtime lover Dana Scott, aka Scottie (Abigail Spencer). But that doesn’t happen because Harvey’s king archetype supersedes his Don Juan. Harvey needs to create a kingdom that he has dominion over (his law firm) even if it means sacrificing his relationship with Scottie. Harvey is a sophisticated warrior who, every once-in-awhile, shows his vulnerability, which is every woman’s dream. Admit it ladies, we all love a bad boy in a fabulous suit.

Macht executes this character without overacting, which could have been a problem because Harvey has a great deal of bravado. Macht’s Hollywood good looks make Harvey pleasant eye candy.

7) The Fashion: I bow to the stylists of this series. The outstanding fashions all come from top designers, including but not limited to Gucci, Stella McCarthy, Lanvin, Zac Posen, Prada, Tom Ford, and Louboutin. But it doesn’t stop with only great pieces of clothing; the characters are styled with elegant pieces of jewelry or ties and pocket squares. Yes, the men’s fashions are as incredible as the women’s.



6) The Writing: The series depicts a top Manhattan law firm in which the two main characters, Harvey Specter and Michael Ross (Patrick J. Adams), are in a mentor/protégé relationship. Harvey , a graduate of Harvard Law and the best closer in New York City, recruits Mike, an unemployed and unmotivated genius college dropout, to be his protégé. Of course, the firm only hires Harvard graduates. Thus, the duo has to hide from the firm’s partners and associates, and the drama ensues as the writers keep you on the edge of your seat episode after episode.


5) Archetypes: Watching the show is a wonderful way to get to know and understand archetypal patterns. I listed Harvey’s archetypes above, and you should see the rest of the characters!


4) Strong Female Characters: I love shows that put women in positions of power and portray them as poised, confident, professional, and intellectual. Jessica Pearson (Gina Torres) is the managing partner of the firm. And if you ever want to see the perfect Queen archetype, this character personifies it. You have to watch the series to meet Donna, Scottie, Rachel, Shelia,and Katrina.


3) The Donna Factor: Donna plays Harvey’s assistant. Besides being a strong female (as described in #5), she also is the office intuitive. She displays an amazing detective archetype. She ventures (symbolically) into a person’s deep psychological recesses to get the answers she needs to build connections and uncover what is hidden. She is a great character, and we should all be a little more like Donna.


2) Puppy Love: There is an office romance between Mike and Rachel Zane (Meghan Markle), who is a paralegal at the firm. It’s a sweet story of young love and romance. Who doesn’t find a story of puppy love irresistible?


1) You Will Be LITT Up: No, that is not a spelling mistake. My favourite character is Louis Litt, played by Rick Hoffman. He has the invisible child archetype and, therefore, goes to the extreme to be seen and to outshine Harvey, who everyone adores. He also possesses the fool, rebel, and ruler archetypes. He is an arrogant, self-absorbed, outrageously behaved, nerdy outsider you love. Or at least I do.

This is a typical Louis Litt quote: “This is not the opera. It’s football. Harvey said it. They gave me the ball, and I scored a touchdown for the other team; it’s the 8th inning, and there’s no more time left on the clock.” (If you didn’t catch it, there are no innings in football.)



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A fan of art,cinema,music and whatever is beautiful. currently a student. Creativity and innovation always draws me towards it. i am the one who reads books,hears music take pictures explore places and does whatever gives peace and pleasure and shares it .


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