8 Successful Ways To Handle Dominating Friends


Dominating Friends

Most of us have come across aggressive, over powering, controlling or intimidating personalities at some point of our lives.  It is truly hard to work or live with people like these. Friends are an important part of our life that makes it even more colourful and live.

Often you must have observed during college projects when groups are made, every group will have at least one person to lead or dominate even though he or she may not be the leader of the group.    No one deserves or wants to be controlled. If you are surrounded with people like these its time you deal with it as soon as possible. Use these successful ways to tackle dominating people.

  1. Understand the situation: There is always a reason behind people’s behaviour. It could happen that the person is being treated inferior somewhere else in his or her life so in order to not let that happen here as well may try to dominate people, or the person is habituate to such kind of practice. It’s important to know the reason to tackle the situation wisely.
  2. Do not react or take it to your heart: The best way to avoid any kind of hustle is to keep yourself calm, and not react. Such people are very stubborn and may not bother about your reactions. At times it’s better to behave ignorant to their talks rather than falling into a conversation that is of no use.
  3. Stand up for yourself: Keeping yourself calm does not mean you always allow the person to dominate you and put you down. Stand up for yourself when the situation goes out of hand.
  4. Don’t let them dominate you: The moment you feel their words or actions are putting you down, put forth your opinions without any fear. If they still try and stop you, go ahead and carry on with your suggestions.
  5. Show that you cannot be controlled by them: if they have forgotten that you are not the puppet under their hand, its time you make them realise that. Show them that you have your own identity, your views and your capable enough to stand up for it. They need to know that you do not like to be controlled and will not take that attitude from them.
  6. Use humour to explain your point: if you are a jolly person, you could use your humour to sort the situation letting them know that even if you’re soft or funny kind of a person no one can overpower you.
  7. Tel them their behaviour is wrong: If the dominating person is really your good friend and you do not want to lose him or her due to their behaviour, you could simply talk to them and explain to them sweetly that their behaviour is wrong. This could help at times to calmly solve the situation.
  8. Maintain safe distance: if you feel the person doesn’t seem to change himself or his behaviour, least you could do it maintain distance. Even if you are working on a same project just act professional and ignore the rest.

It’s hard to get such people in control but through astute approach, intelligent communication, you can change the person. However don’t get carried away or be a puppet under the hands of such people, you have your own distant identity as an individual and do not need anyone to control you or lead you.

Although nobody has appropriate answers to deal with dominating people but remember these are general ways and may not be applicable to all dominating people it may apply to some particular situation.

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Daisy Pais


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