8 Things An Emotional Person Can Relate To Instantly


         Emotional Person

Every living being have got feelings and we humans are excellent at expressing them, whether it is love or anger or disgust or any other such emotions. Though there are people who are not really good at expressing their emotions but there are few on the other hand who can easily express themselves or we can say no matter how much they try to hide their emotions but they fail to do so. This is why people give them the tag of an “Emotional Person”.

A small incident can make them very happy and within seconds an emotional scene in a movie can bring tears in their eyes. Sounds strange? But it is actually true. And people who deal with such situations can relate to it very easily. Even you might have some “Crazy Emotional Friends”.

Here are some of the things which an emotional person can relate to:

      1) Tears are our companions:

No matter whether we are too much happy or sad, our emotions are easily expressed in the form of tears in our eyes. Sometimes we hate that but this actually makes us to “feel” everything. Scientifically, tears are beneficial. This fact actually does not stop us from showing our emotions. :p


    2) At the same time we are also tired of hearing questions for expressing our emotions

“Why do you cry so much?”,”No need to be senty now!”,”Don’t tell me a movie made you cry!”,etc etc.. Are you fed up these questions? Being emotional many people hear such questions and no doubt their reaction is always like-“People please, you will not understand my feelings.”


    3) We people always have a box of tissues with us

It is must to have a tissue box with us, because even we know that it will not take a minute for tears to roll out of our eyes, no matter we are happy or sad.


     4) We get hurt easily

Being emotional we people have a bad habit of thinking too much and make the situation worst. This obviously leads to hurting ourselves by those unwanted thoughts.


     5) Being emotional is also beneficial.

We can easily deal with sad situations. I mean we can easily understand people’s situation and thus can help them easily.


6) Showing love for somebody is not that difficult for us

People say that eyes speak out everything and our eyes! Well it shows more than everything.


       7) We are often tagged for being an “Attention seeker”

Too much showing of emotions make people think that we are trying to gain their attention. But that’s not true! Nobody can act always. At the end of the day you can see the “Real They”. And when it comes to emotions we can’t fake them. So even at the end of the day you will see the same side of us.


        8) We want people to understand us..

People often think that we are fake. But no, we are not and we want you to understand us.


There are many such things which an emotional person deals with. People may think that they always try to seek everybody’s attention, but only that person knows about his situation and the way he is trying to deal with it.

Try to understand people before you for your own opinions and throw out conclusions.

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Tanvi Taparia


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