8 Things you didn’t know Your Iphone Could do.


iphone 6

There are couple of things you will be astonished to know about Iphone. These things you probably did not know you could do with your Iphone.

1. Make passcode with letter instead of numbers.

Iphone generally could make passcodes only with numbers. However, following these steps you can make passcode by creating an alphanumeric code.

i.            Go to Settings > General > Passcode Lock.

ii.            Turn off the setting that says “Simple Passcode.”

iii.            A screen will appear prompting you to change your passcode, along with a full QWERTY keyboard. The next time you unlock your phone, the keyboard will appear instead of just the number pad.

2. Have Siri read your email out loud.

Siri has come a long way from its overwhelming debut video to its underwhelming actual debut, but it got better.  Tell Siri to read your mails out loud and she will be obliged. You can be informed about the content and the time only by your voice command.

3. See timestamps on your texts.

Iphone features you to see the timestamps along with your text messages. Whilst typing or checking the inbox, just slide your screen a bit on either side & you can see when the Message has been sent or received.

4. See which planes are overhead.

Airplane buffs can ask Siri “What flights are overhead,” and provided location services are on, Siri will show a list of the planes flying above you, using information from Wolfram Alpha: You get the airline name, flight number, altitude, and angle above the horizon from your position.

5. Shake your Iphone to delete Text.

Make a mistake while entering text or editing a photo? No problem. Just give your phone a vigorous shake, and a window will appear, asking if you want to undo that action.

6. Use your phone as a level to hang pictures.

The iOS7’s digital level is also adept at measuring relative angles. Swipe left in the Compass app to access a level. Hold it poised at the angle you want to set as the baseline and then tap the screen, and as you tilt it the numbers will reflect the degree of difference between that angle and the current one.

7. Turn off all the in-app purchases with one button

This feature is especially useful if you have kids, or have zero self-control when it comes to Candy Crush or Whats app or Instagram.
Go to Settings > General > Restrictions, Enable Restrictions, and scroll down to disable In-App Purchases.

8. Take a Burst of photos at once.

Hold down the shutter button in your camera and you’ll automatically activate burst mode. Your phone will capture a ton of photos in rapid succession and save them to your camera: a great way to guarantee you’ll get a profile pic to your liking.

– Tanvi Shah

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