8 Things You Ought To Know Before Becoming Parents



Raising a child is full of surprises. Every day, there is something new and exciting to discover. No matter how many books you may have read or the endless things you may have heard from people, tips from new parents and watched a number of movies yet nothing really work when it comes to nurturing a child until you have experienced it by yourself. Although I have not experienced myself, I have quite well observed my sister and her baby, having seen the true feeling of being a parent of a child. Someday, you too may be parents of cute little kids. You’re going to need to know this stuff before you take your step.

  1. Not as easy as it seems

Even though it may seem that having a baby is easy as some people have a bunch of kids. But the truth is its not, ask a Mother who has given birth to her first child. It is not an easy task, moulding a child requires ample of patience and a heart full of love. It comes with ample of responsibilities to give the child the best of one’s ability, giving priority to the child over anything else. Although is not gonna be easy it not even that difficult, it is whole new wonderful experience.

  1. No more your time, it’s THEIR time

It is not going to be your time anymore. Anything and everything will be only about the kid. The time you spent watching TV, chit chatting, listening to music will now be their time of playing, sleeping, feeding, bathing and changing nappies.

  1. No weekend fun

No weekend bash, everyday will be the same, you will have to totally forget about the days called Saturday and Sunday because it’s never gonna be the same like before.

  1. No soulful sleep

One cry and you have to be on your feet be it 2 or 3 at midnight. You may wake up looking at sleepy and tired. You lil’ one will be sleeping peacefully and you will be somewhere lying on one corner of your bed.

  1. House full of baby things

Baby soaps, powder, toys, clothes will be all scattered in the entire house. Instead of your own accessories on your dressing table your room will be full of your child’s kept here and there.  The cutest thing is the entire house and even you will smell like a kid.

  1. Money is spent like water

Having a baby is a costly affair, their things way more expensive.  You may find your money just slipping off your hands.

  1. Going out will never be the same

Earlier going out would be just a wallet and your phone and your all set but now your never gonna be empty handed, you will be always carrying a bag of your baby things like milk, nappies, clothes and many other things. You may not have your private moments, shopping

  1. The different you

The most amazing part of becoming a parent is seeing a different person in yourself which you may have seen before your habits, your like’s dislikes will change eventually as you will groe along with your child. You will have nothing else to talk other than your child’s endless poop stories and all fun things that your lil’ one does.  You will be even more musically and funny, singing and dancing to your kid. The kid within you will soon be out when you will watch your kid play. You will think about your kid before you think about yourself. The most important thing is the bond that you will share with your kid is simply out of the world.

Although some of the things seem messy and terrible but it is just a matter of couple of days over time you will discover so many new things that you not even imagined.  You will realize that everything is worth your child’s smile. It is truly an amazing feel to have your own child, as a marriage is complete with a child. Children are the most precious gift of God, given to you to treasure for life. It is rightly “You are a good parent when you are happy with your child, but you are successful parent when your child is happy with you”

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Daisy Pais


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