8 Tips & Tricks to Make Your Lipstick Last Longer


One of the most annoying things is having to keep applying your lipstick over and over again!We all wish for it to like really last for long without having to keep worrying about it.Yes ladies,you can!Keep all this in mind!


1. Don’t flaunt chapped lips, keep them healthy

Lipstick cannot adhere as well to lips that are dry, chapped, or cracked. Unlike the skin surrounding them, lips have no oil-producing glands to form a protective barrier, leaving them susceptible to sun and wind.

Apply a lip balm without sunscreen before going to bed. In the morning, lips will feel soft and smooth. Gently rub the lips with a cloth to remove excess balm and chapped skin. This mild exfoliation creates a smooth surface for a neater lipstick application.


2.  Bare Lips is where you have to start from:-

Balms and glosses protect your lips from wind, sun, and dryness, but they also make a poor surface for lipstick. To get a longer-lasting lipstick application, remove any oils and emollients from the lips by blotting with a tissue.

Even well-applied lipstick may wear off during the course of a business lunch or dinner date. Remove any vestiges of oil that may have lingered after that last bite of dessert and blot well before re-applying lipstick.


3. Try a Lip Primer

Lip primers are designed to go under lip pencil, lipstick, or gloss. They are marketed as a way to extend the life of a lipstick application and keep color in place. Primers help prevent feathering, the migration of lipstick into fine lines around the mouth. While they work well for some people, others find primers drying or uncomfortably waxy. Primers are not a necessity for long-lasting lipstick, but they are worth trying.

Another alternative to primer is foundation. Like a lip primer, foundation creates a smoother surface for lipstick. Apply a thin layer of foundation to the lips and blot to remove excess oil. This technique works best for lipsticks in highly saturated, opaque colors; sheer shades may turn muddy or pale as they combine with the foundation.

Try primers and foundations on days when a flawless lipstick application is not essential. Wearing these products around the house will indicate how well they will withstand the rigors of a work day or dinner and a movie.


4. Use a Lip Pencil the Right Way

House painters make a vibrant color look brighter by layering it over a base coat tinted to match the paint. Similarly, using a lip pencil before applying lipstick intensifies color and makes it more durable. Lip liners contain the same pigments as lipsticks, but the color is suspended in a waxy pencil instead of a creamy stick. Particles of pigment cannot move as freely in their waxy base, so they provide a platform to which layers of lipstick can cling.

Lip pencils often receive an unjustly chilly reception with lipstick shoppers because the products are so often misused. Pencils are not intended to draw a ring around the lips to corral the lipstick in place. While this will stop lipstick from feathering, it also wears unevenly and looks harsh. Pick a lip liner color that is slightly lighter than the intended lipstick color to keep the look soft and youthful.

Instead of encircling the lips with the pencil, start at the center of the lower lip and lightly fill in the entire surface. Repeat the process with the top lip. Starting in the middle of the lips instead of on the edges ensures that the most intense color will be near the center of the mouth. This technique helps keep the telltale ring of lip liner from appearing as lipstick fades.


5. Pick the Right Lipstick Shade

Some lipstick colors contain pigments that are intrinsically longer-lasting than others. In general, a darker or brighter lipstick will last longer than its paler, subtler counterparts. With the exception of some theatrical colors, lipsticks fall into one of six color families, arranged here in order of longest-lived to most fleeting.

6. Choose a Long-Lasting Lipstick Formula

Lipsticks marketed as long-wearing generally live up to their labels. These formulas usually contain additional pigment and fewer emollient ingredients, so they take longer to wear away than creamier products. Many long-wearing formulas contain silicone, an inert ingredient that forms a protective layer on lips. Because silicone does not mix with the oils in foods and on skin, it does not wear off as quickly.

The more pigment a product contains, the longer it is likely to last. Lipsticks contain more color than sheer lip glosses and tints, so choose a lipstick instead of a gloss for maximum wear. Shimmering colors also have a shorter lifespan than matte or creamy lipsticks.


7. Blot and Re-Apply Lip Color

After applying lipstick, blot it with a tissue and apply a new layer. Blotting removes excess oils and emollients from the first layer of lipstick while leaving the pigments largely intact. Adding a second layer of lipstick after blotting increases the pigment concentration relative to the creamy ingredients that are the enemies of lipstick longevity.


8. Use Gloss Sparingly

Glossy lips look lush, but because glosses are low on pigment, they dilute color when layered over lipstick. The key to getting a glossy look without sacrificing long wear is using gloss only where it is most likely to catch the light. Apply a dot of gloss to the center of the lower lip instead of slicking gloss on the entire lip surface.




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Riya Lokhande


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