8 Tweets, Status on ‘Red Fort’ Trending at Twitter


red fort

  1. The Red Fort hears a loud, firm, strong and patriotic message by a true statesman after a lapse of a decade.#ModiSpeech
  2. The Red Fort hears a loud, firm, strong and patriotic message by a true statesman after a lapse of a decade.#ModiSpeech
  3. Lessons from Red Fort:Next time you call someone a Feku, make sure he’s not the real deal.
  4. Congress leaders are cruel. One of them told me short while ago Rahul has a new toy — handcrafted cardboard Red Fort — gifted on I Day.
  5. Cost of Security at Red Fort: Crores People at Red Fort: Lacs The silence of people who were yelling about #fekufort last year: Priceless
  6. Brilliant speech by Narendra Modi. After 10 years, the ramparts of the Red Fort were awake…
  7. After this Red Fort address, India will never be the same again. Our march ahead towards prosperity and security is UNSTOPPABLE.
  8. First Prime Minister to thank and express gratitude to all the previous Prime Ministers, first to remember Sri Aurobiondo from Red Fort

(Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed here are postings on social media website. We do not endorse the same.) 

By Tejaswini K

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Aishwarya Mehta
live lazzy ..... go crazzy ^_^ Berry pin - 7582495D <3 <3 intagram - ash_0309


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