8 Tweets, Status on ‘Sonia Gandhi’ Trending at Twitter


sonia gandhi

  1. Do u want me to believe Sonia did not become PM because her 33 year old son didn’t wanted to be fearing she would be killed ?? Give me break
  2. Am interested in knowing to what extreme Rahul would hv gone had Sonia gone ahead of becoming PM?? Any idea ??
  3. The real explosive stuff isn’t Sonia declining PM’s post ( big deal!She was PM anyway). Real deal is who benefitted from Oil for Food scam
  4. Singh confirmed that Sonia Gandhi used to receive government files when UPA was in power.
  5. Rahul Gandhi at least gave one good advice to his mother….Sonia ji must reciprocate with the same advice to her son
  6. reasons for Sonia not becoming PM Sonia:voice of my inner conscience stopped me NATWAR:Rahul stopped her
  7. Sonia Gandhi – didn’t know what u went through last few yrs Natwar Singh – That’s not possible! Ofcourse he knows this ‘didn’t know’ trick
  8. Sonia ran India 10 years in truly Sicilian mafia style. Trusted Babu-media were her consigliere. Smash that, Modi. Generations will thank u.
By Ravi Agnihotri

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