- Do u want me to believe Sonia did not become PM because her 33 year old son didn’t wanted to be fearing she would be killed ?? Give me break
- Am interested in knowing to what extreme Rahul would hv gone had Sonia gone ahead of becoming PM?? Any idea ??
- The real explosive stuff isn’t Sonia declining PM’s post ( big deal!She was PM anyway). Real deal is who benefitted from Oil for Food scam
- #NatwarBomb Singh confirmed that Sonia Gandhi used to receive government files when UPA was in power.
- Rahul Gandhi at least gave one good advice to his mother….Sonia ji must reciprocate with the same advice to her son #natvarBomb
- reasons for Sonia not becoming PM Sonia:voice of my inner conscience stopped me NATWAR:Rahul stopped her
- Sonia Gandhi – didn’t know what u went through last few yrs Natwar Singh – That’s not possible! Ofcourse he knows this ‘didn’t know’ trick
- Sonia ran India 10 years in truly Sicilian mafia style. Trusted Babu-media were her consigliere. Smash that, Modi. Generations will thank u.
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