8 Ways to rock a plain black skirt


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One piece of clothing but umpteen ways of styling it…After all that is fashion all about!Not what you wear but how you wear it!A knee-length pencil skirt often proves especially adaptable, but A-line skirts and other cuts also work well. Start with a shape that flatters your figure and go from there.Here are ways you can rock it:-

Formal look:-

Wear your black skirt to the office, a presentation, or an important meeting. Pair it with clean, tailored pieces and muted accessories.

Select a long-sleeved tailored blouse. Choose a button-down, collared shirt for the most traditional option, and stick with colors like white or light gray pinstripes. If the skirt has a high enough waistline, tuck the shirt in.Add a pair of black heels to your outfit. Avoid excessively tall heels, and stick with closed-toe options rather than strappy sandals.


Casual look


A black skirt can go from formal to everyday when matched with casual pieces. Stick with fitted pieces to keep the look from becoming sloppy and mismatched.

Wear a fitted tank top or t-shirt. Choose a top in a solid color over one with a graphic. Some graphic t-shirts may work, but you should be cautious when selecting one to pair with your skirt.

For a glam loom:-


Wear your black skirt for a night out by matching it with silver or gold pieces. Tailor the look based on your location. Select a bolder top and higher heels for a night of clubbing, or more conservative alternatives for dinner at a nice restaurant.Pair your black skirt with a shimmering silver or gold top. Select a glossy satin or silk short-sleeved blouse for a slightly more elegant approach, or go with an edgy halter top with sequin detail for a bolder look appropriate for the night life.

Mimic the Little Black Dress


A simple black skirt can be matched with a black top in order to create a fitting outfit for formal and semi-formal occasions, such as cocktail parties and work dinners.

Pick out a nice black top. Sleeveless tops work best to create the “little black dress” look, but other sleeve lengths may work as well. Search for a top made of the same material as your skirt so that your ensemble blends together more readily.

For a chic look:-

The black skirt also works well with many modern looks. Pair it with your favorite trends, tops, and accessories to create a chic, stylish ensembles.

Tie a black belt or sash around the blouse at your natural waist, just below your bust. Select a solid black belt.Wear trendy heels that you feel comfortable walking around in.


Wear It During Colder Weather


Don’t hide your black skirt in the bottom of your dresser just because the weather is cold. A black skirt even works in the middle of winter, as long as you take a few extra precautions against the cold.Select a long-sleeve blouse or light turtleneck sweater made of a fine, thin material. Both patterns and solid colors work, as well as neutrals and colors.Also, Go with black tights instead of nylon stockings, since tights are thicker and offer more warmth.Wear high-heeled fashion boots. The boots can either go up to your knee or just past your ankle.


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Riya Lokhande


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